Banana Peel & Honey Tea – A Homesteader’s Secret to Feeling Better Before Bed

Don’t toss your banana peels into the trash! Let me show you what to do with them instead.

I found bananas on sale at the market this week and bought several bunches to dehydrate and make banana chips with. We add these to our oatmeal and yogurt or just eat by the handful.

This left me with an abundance of banana peels. Instead of tossing them into the compost pile right away, I made a depression remedy.

Depression is something I’ve struggled with for years, so when I read an article about how useful banana peels can be in fighting depression, I figured why not give this a try? Now to be clear, I’m not a doctor or medical professional and I strongly encourage you to do your own research. I’m simply showing you how I recycle my nana peels. *** It’s also important to use organic bananas to lessen the risk of your food being contaminated with pesticides.

According to this article, “a medium-sized banana will bring a great number of nutrients to the body. The peel contains high amounts of vitamin B6 and B12. As a bonus, it will also contain high amounts of magnesium and potassium. Eating the peel of a banana can have a powerful positive impact on the digestive system. It can also lower diabetes and boost the immune system. The level of energy will be significantly increased and the development of new cells and consequently, new tissues, will be stimulated. Another aspect that cannot be missed is the fact that banana peels will regulate the level of glucose and the level of blood pressure.”

Bananas and depression…

“So, what is the connection between bananas and depression? The peels are loaded with tryptophan, a substance that boosts the levels of serotonin in the body, thus improving the mood. The studies that have been performed in this area showed that it only takes 2 banana peels a day for 3 days to fight depression and to increase the level of serotonin by 16%.” Read more here.

So, I save my organic banana peels, boil them in water, add honey and drink as a warm tea before bed and I have to admit, so far I am LOVING it. It tastes great and just puts me in a better mood before bed. There’s a little homesteader’s secret for ya!

Comment below and let us know what you think about this homemade banana peel and honey tea! Will you be trying it out for yourself?

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