Breakfast “Pizza” Bagels
My family loves to make English Muffin Pizzas (english muffins, pizza sauce, pepperoni & cheese) for dinner but this morning, we decided to try making Breakfast “Pizza” Bagels.
We layered bagels with fresh spinach, cooked eggs (we beat some eggs with salt and pepper and baked them on a cookie sheet, then cut them into squares), and topped with bacon bits and shredded cheese. We heated them up in the oven until the bagels were nice and toasted and the cheese was melted and WA-LAH… breakfast was served!
These were super easy to prepare (you can substitute the sheet baked egg for a fried egg if that’s easier for you but I was making breakfast for a family of six). Breakfast Pizza Bagels can also be frozen and reheated later. These would also be perfect to make ahead of time for camping trips (wrap in foil so they can be heated up over a campfire).
Let us know in the comments below if you give these a try!